
Praying for those in Authority

November 23, 2018 / Prayer

Paul writing to timothy, says I exalt therefor, that first of all I want to you to notice when he says first of all. He already establishes a prayer order here. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayer, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;” 1 timothy 2:4.

That tells you that all men he is talking about here is not referring at this point to the church, he is talking about our wider association. And this is the reason many nations go through terrible situations whether they are economic or political various kind of unrest and these things bring a hindrance to the preaching of the gospel. Remember when you got trouble in your country or in your city it hinders the preaching of the gospel.

God is passionate about the preaching of the gospel because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is Gods power, it is Gods means of saving men, saving human begins, that while the Gospel is so important.

We can pray for people in our nations, in our various country where we function, in the days when this scripture was written, nations were generally govern by kings. So he says we should pray for kings, in today’s world this will refer to as president and governors that’s while he says we should pray for those in authority, that brings in the judge of the state, the chief judge of the federation in the country, that brings in the legislator, that brings in the head of the school the principle, the vice chancellor of the university and so on.

He didn’t necessary say when you pray for them you say o God bless them, that’s not what he said. We can pray o God bless them, we can pray o God grant them wisdom, we can pray like that. We can also pray o God get them out of office. What he said is that “……. we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty”. This means if they have not been consistent with leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty we will pray and get them out of office.

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