
There Are Good Things in You

24th March, 2018 / Christian Living

That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus (Philemon1:6).

For you to be effective in the communication of your faith, there has to be an acknowledgement of the good things in you. There’re no bad things in you. Some people don’t know this, so they’re always looking for something that’s wrong with them.

They’re always talking themselves down, focusing always on their inabilities, disabilities, and frustrations. That’s not right! There are good things in you, and you’ve got to acknowledge them.

Why is it so important to acknowledge the good things in you in Christ Jesus? It’s because they’re spiritual and are actualized or activated by acknowledgement.

Learn more on how to prove Gods word in your life from these insightful messages available on the Pastor Chris Digital Library.